Working less is not something I just talk about.
It’s what I do.
My personal life comes first. Always. That means I plan my personal life, and then everything else gets planned around it.
That’s not always been my default, and I’ve had to make plenty of hard decisions to get here, like:
Short-term financial sacrifices (that felt really long-term)
Laying people off (heartbreaking)
Reducing my speaking engagements (boring)
Limiting my inner-circle (conflicting)
Not following traditional marketing and sales protocol (risky)
Saying no to things I really want to do (ugh)
But mainly, I’ve had to learn how to stop worrying if everyone else thought I was checking all the boxes. Even though, yes, it still gives me a little dose of insecurity from time to time.
My life. My goals. My boxes.
When I stopped letting everyone and everything (looking at you social media) demand so much of me, and chose to focus on my own well-being (the whole “put your own oxygen mask on first” thing), I found the calm joy of freedom.
This course was born from a deep rooted passion to lead you to the same sense of peace that is available if you’ll just say yes.
“Reminder: You don’t have to explain why you want what you want, do what you do, love what you love or need what you need. You are allowed to live a life some people don’t understand!”
- Laura McKowen

You’ve served your business long enough, it’s time you force it to serve you!
When you first started your business, it took some real hustle. The kind you should be proud of!
But at some point, you've let that turn into hustle for the sake of hustle. You've been spinning your wheels, inventing work that really isn't necessary (and are doing it inefficiently at that) and worse, somewhere along the way, you fell for the lie that you have to be busy to be successful.
Yeah, I know. I’ve been there, too! It happens in the blink of an eye and then it just snow balls into this unmanageable beast that takes over your life.
You know there is a better way. But every time you get up to face the beast, you end up throwing your hands in the air, screaming "make it make sense."
That's because you've been cherry picking your tactics. You're learning some really great things out there at conferences and in summits, but what you need is for someone to just sit down and walk you through everything from start to finish.
I created Breaking Up with Busy to start from the top, organizing things in the right layers, so you can face your fears and gradually reduce the clutter that is eating into your personal time and sanity!
Does this sound familiar?

Seven Modules of Actionable Content
Quiz: What does Success mean to you?
Lesson 1: Setting Personal and Professional Goals
Lesson 2: Time Tracking and Identifying Time Wasters
Lesson 3: Financial Assessment: Understanding Your Needs vs. Wants
Lesson 1: The Pareto Principle (80/20 Rule) in Work
Lesson: 2: The Eisenhower Box
Lesson 3: Importance of Delegation and Outsourcing
Lesson 4: Automating Repetitive Tasks
Lesson 5: Establishing Boundaries and Learning to Say No
Lesson 1: The Eisenhower Box
Lesson 2: The Power of Batch Processing Tasks
Lesson 3: Monitoring and Adjusting with KPIs
Lesson 4. Mastering Quick Decision-Making
Lesson 5: Creating and Effective Workspace
Lesson 6: Time Blocking
Technology Toolkit
Lesson 1: Redesigning Your Work Schedule
Lesson 2: Transitioning Tasks (Keep, Delegate, Outsource, Eliminate)
Lesson 3: Managing Expectations- Yourself and Others
Lesson 4: Gradual Reduction Roadmap- Transitioning to Working Less
Lesson 1: Creating Multiple Income Streams
Lesson 2: Budgeting and Financial Planning for Less Work
Lesson 3: Investing in Passive Income Sources
Lesson 4: Negotiating Salaries and Rates
Lesson 1: Planning Your Personal Life First
Lesson 2: The Impact of Overworking on Health
Lesson 3: Mindfulness, Exercise, Nutrition, Hobbies and Rest
Lesson 4: Building a Supportive Network
Lesson 1: Preventing Pushback from Clients
Lesson 2: Navigating Emotional Conversations with a Significant Life Partner
Lesson 3: Embracing Confidence within Financial Insecurities
Lesson 4: Maintaining Flexibility and Developing Problem-Solving Skills
Lesson 5: Staying Motivated in Low Times
I know, you’re wondering if it’s really actionable?
And fair enough, everyone has jumped on that buzzword.
Listen, the entire point is reducing the workload, right? You don’t have time for long trainings + homework. That said, I’ve created a course that guides you via the worksheets. You’ll be learning while you’re actually doing the work.
So yeah, I’d call that actionable!
Designed in Google Drive to keep things simple, which means:
No login
Forever access
Not having to download a million things!
How would getting time back in your day change your life?
For me, these days, I’m “busy”…
Filling my own cup
Being mom when school is closed
Exercising and cooking healthier meals
Taking art classes and learning new things
Writing and outlining books I dream of publishing
Reading romance novels on a random Tuesday morning, because why not?
I went from overwhelmed, waking up at 4am in fight or flight mode, to simply… happy. People notice, they actually comment on it!

56 hours of sleep per week (at 8 hours a night)
40 hours of work
48 hours per weekend (oftentimes spent adulting more than playing)
4.8 hours of time to claim each workday for YOU, your family and friends.
Better yet, WHAT are you really working on?!?!
In 2021, I achieved a 10 year goal of mine: live in Colorado for a summer. But in looking back, it didn’t need to take 10 years to achieve.
The reason these things take so long is because we tell ourselves that’s how long things take.
When really, it’s about taking a strategic pause, for a lifetime of gain.
By intentionally creating time to save time, you're setting the stage for a future where calm and prosperity are your constants, not your aspirations.
We absolutely worked while in Colorado, but only 10-15 hours a week. I still get really emotional when I see a photo from that summer pop up as a memory in an app. It was not only a special time, but it represents the culmination of my dreams.
And better yet, a steady reduced workload, and seasons of nearly not working at all, have become sustainable for me!
There is power in a strategic pause, for a lifetime of gain!
I’ll shoot you straight, no chaser.
No, you don’t have time. That’s the point. But listen, you can be overwhelmingly busy a little longer, or you can just stay busy forever.
How many years have you said you’ll get it together, thinking “I can do this?” But in all those years, you haven’t.
Get mad about that. Grieve the years you’ve let slip you by. Then make a choice.
Choose to step off the hamster wheel. Follow my process and step into calm.
You CAN do this, but you can’t do it alone. I’ll show you where you are wasting time, so viola, you’ll “have the time.”
Let’s look at the data before we make assumptions.
That’s right, I’ll help you analyze your finances, goals, risk tolerance and even input from key stakeholders.
Maybe you’ll realize you’re better off than you thought.
Maybe you’ll realize you’re not there yet.
But with real data backing your decision, you’ll at least know what “there” is and how to reach it. Talk about FUEL!
(And hey, maybe you’ll fall into the camp of people like me that go part-time, and end up making more money than they did while working full-time.)
How many Steve Jobs do we have to hear pleading for us in their final days to hear their regrets for overworking before we listen?
Flip the script with me….
By letting go of control in one area, you gain control in another. Neither have to burn to the ground, but right now, everything is in flames. And it will be till you pause and get organized enough to delegate in your business.
Together, we’ll find what motivates you, and then we’ll create an action plan.
Follow my lead, and I promise, your clients won’t even notice.
The entire course will help you tackle mental roadblocks head on through the guided process of gathering data to then strategize based on facts, not feelings, vanity metrics or what ifs.
Here are just a few of the things we’ll work through together.
Identify time wasters
Pinpoint high-value tasks and commitments
Assess their urgency and necessity
Understand your numbers (both money and time) to determine what is realistic and when
Decide what to delegate or outsource, to whom and how, or if you even can or should
Navigate high-stake conversations with significant life partners through the process
Overcome challenges and setbacks
But most importantly, I’ll teach you how to stop breaking up with yourself!
Because would you cancel on friends the way you cancel rest and self-care on yourself?

If you scatter your energy aimlessly, the world will accommodate that chaos, and people (or worse, you) will continue to disregard the things you say you value.
Your loved ones are flat out saying it. “You’re working too much”, “this isn’t worth the money”, “you’re really working late again?” etc.
You’re present, but not fully absorbing things you value. While physically present, the mental labor of running your business is taking up your memory bank.
Nothing is ever good enough. You complete one thing and immediately move into improving the next thing. Or… creating busy work because that’s “what you’re supposed to do.”
In Breaking Up with Busy, I’ll share what I wish I had done differently in all three of these scenarios!
In 2024, the market share for Personal Care in the United States is projected to be $45B, the highest of any other country.
Granted, the USA is bigger than most countries, but here’s how I read that data: You can fix the problem, or you can collect a lot of bandaids along the way.
There is nothing in the world that a coach, consultant, online course, conference, guru, mentor, clergy, or fairy godmother could tell you that will work UNTIL you first address the essentials of self-care, which are food, water, rest and exercise.
But the good news is that Breaking Up with Busy has an entire section devoted to integrating those things into your business and personal life.
Manage your business, master your life.
Click the button if you:
Work while you’re on vacation
Can’t leave your business in someone else’s hands for a month on a whim or for an emergency
Don’t have a budget (personal, business or otherwise)
Are unsure of your financial risk tolerance
Left Corporate America (or want to!) for flexibility, but instead, work more than ever, for less pay and no benefits
Love what you do, but just watch the years float by with no goal post

The moment you decide to quit the rat race and treat yourself like you're the main character—because, surprise, you are—suddenly, everything clicks into place. The universe starts taking notes from you, like, "Oh, we're doing peace and order now? Got it."
Yes! I sure do, Just select “Afterpay” at checkout.
Each module will take 2-4 hours depending on your current level of organization.
The course can be taken in a matter of a couple days all at once, or as I encourage, ca be spread out over 7-10 weeks.
While Breaking Up with Busy provides the tools for cutting hours and even increasing pay, individual results will vary primarily based on current financial situation and goals.
Results are also dependent on the amount of effort and commitment each student gives to the program. And of course, current success within local regions, marketing, etc. play a role as well.
Absolutely! Breaking Up with Busy could also be called PREVENTING Busy. This course will help you grow and scale with the proper strategies in mind.
There is a lot of really great information out there for running our businesses, but this is an A-Z map for reducing workload, while addressing the mindset roadblocks that often hinder us.
Being busy, you’ll have to hunker down and I won’t sugar coat that - it will be hard. But it will be hard today same as it will be next year or the next. My point, the longer you put it off, the longer you live in the chaos.
Breaking Up with Busy is designed to help you set things up properly so you can either continue working two jobs without the overwhelm, or move into working solely for yourself while again, still preventing the overwhelm.
Yes, I will offer live coaching 2-3 times a year.